Brothers, Family, and Friends – I pray this communication finds you and yours healthy, safe, and maintaining a peace of mind. As COVID-19 continues to present uncertainty on when we will return to a “new normal”, we care too much about your safety to throw a physical party at this time. We are cancelling the Masquerade Ball on June 6th.

In lieu of the Masquerade, we are hosting a Virtual “Party With a Purpose” to benefit Mental Health Awareness. This includes a 50” Inch Samsung Smart TV raffle, DJ, and Live Band. If you would like to donate your Masquerade ticket, we will enter 15 TV raffle tickets, in your name, into the drawing.

  • Click the following Zoom link on Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 7pm – 9pm to join our live party.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 5184 3734
Password: 032173
One tap mobile
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